JAG TN Alumni Association

Free Membership

  • Connect with JAGTN Programs

    As you know, our students love hearing from guest speakers on topics like careers, financial stability, and life. Whether you are representing a business or simply want to mentor as an individual, the alumni association gives you a direct connection to positively influence the next generation of JAGTN graduates.

  • Networking and Events

    Our JAGTN alumni are fantastic people to help judge local/regional competitions and are valuable volunteers for events and testimonial speaking. Being a part of an alumni network is also a great way to build connections with other professionals who are passionate about influencing the future of Tennessee’s workforce.

  • Exclusive Alumni Updates

    As one of the perks of your free membership as a JAGTN alumni association member, you’ll receive a member-only newsletter with alumni-related information and features.

Join Now

Your free JAGTN Association Membership is as easy as filling out the form! We can’t wait to hear from you and learn what you’ve been up to since graduation.

From Learners to Leaders